
Spratt Education Center

The Spratt Education Center provides education and testing services to our active-duty Air Force members on Shaw and our geographically separated units. The Spratt Education Center also serves as the servicing education center for activated guard and reserve members administratively attached to Shaw AFB (on Title 10 or 32 orders). Services offered include academic advisement and briefings, GI Bill information, formal training, Skillbridge program advisement, WAPS and other testing (AFOQT, TBAS, TAPAS, AFRAT, AFCT, DLPT, DLAB, EDPT, EPME, OPI and PME). Our facility is also the schoolhouse location for ALS.Use the links to meet our team, read about current education news, and to learn more about each section in our building, their points of contact and functions.

*The Spratt Education Center has space available to reserve classrooms for unit courses, trainings, or meetings. Choose the tab “Forms and News” tab to learn more.

Bldg. 501, 398 Shaw Drive
(803) 895-1838
Feedback:  ICE Logo

Monday - Thursday: 0800-1500
Friday: 0800-1200

The Spratt Education Center observes all federal holidays and ACC down days.

Hours subject to change. Click here to verify current operational status on our alerts page.

Meet Our Team
Dr. Germaine Maduro
Dr. Germaine MaduroChief of Education and Training
Jessica Moore
Jessica MooreDeputy Chief of Education and Training

About 20th FSS

Force Support provides for the physical, cultural, and social needs and general well-being of military members and their families, providing community support systems that make Air Force bases hometowns for a mobile military population.

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