Military Personnel Flight
The MPF (Military Personnel Flight) is the focal point for Air Force personnel matters! Located in the 20th Mission Support Building, Building 1118, we can assist active duty members, their dependents, Guard/Reserve members, retirees, and DOD civilians with a variety of services related to your stay at Shaw Air Force Base such as CAC issuance, passports, and more. For self-service actions, please visit the virtual MPF via the AF Portal. For SharePoint access, please visit
20th Military Personnel Flight Leadership:
1st Lt Curt Mitchell MPF/CC DSN: 895-7830 | MPF Chief DSN: 895-1926 |
504 Shaw Drive | Relocations/Outbound - ( | |
MPF Line | || | ||
Feedback: |
Customer Support - 895-1581 ( |
Force management has many fuctions within the MPS. We update duty information/status, personnel actions, and evaluations (EPR/OPR/LOE).
Sections within Force Management include: evalutations, employments, and customer support. Our customer support office is the focal point for in-processing.
OIC: 895-1582
NCOIC: 895-1582
Force Management DSN: 965-1597
Evaluations DSN: 965-1582