
Military & Family Readiness Center

The Military & Family Readiness Center (M&FRC) serves as a one-stop information and referral center for single, married, active-duty, Guard, Reserves, and retired members as well as their families. One of its major functions is linkage - ensuring military personnel and their families are connected with the appropriate services on and off base.

Vision - Our vision is to strengthen Air Force/Army readiness and retention by strengthening Air Force/Army members and families.

Mission - Our mission is to support individuals and families by offering services and resources which encourage retention and enable them to achieve mission readiness.


What is the M&FRC?

About 20th FSS

Force Support provides for the physical, cultural, and social needs and general well-being of military members and their families, providing community support systems that make Air Force bases hometowns for a mobile military population.

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