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STEMulating Young Minds

SHAW AIR FORCE BASE, S.C. -- “Check this out, it turned green!” Students in Shaw's Youth Programs Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) class shouted with excitement on Thursday as they raced around the room discovering what impact color made to their robot’s LED light. Abigail Phillips, a site coordinator with the Clemson University Cooperative Extension; assited the students during this experiment. "The STEM lesson is a part of a 4-H Militaray Sponsorship Grant," said Phillips.The grant affords the oppotunity for Ms. Phillips to spend the day training Youth Program staff on how to impliment different STEM modules.

Celeste Montez, STEM coordinator for Shaw's Youth Programs; said “our students live in a technological world. Everything is on tablets. Their work at school is done on chromebooks. So we’re trying to keep the kids ahead of the game. Everyday we offer decoding, a science and engineering activity." In addition, students in the class are presented with guest speakers and programs to foster a greater appreciation for STEM concepts. Youth Programs provides STEM classes during the summer as well. To speak with a representative and register your child to take part in the outstanding programs offered, please call 803-895-1779.

About 20th FSS

Force Support provides for the physical, cultural, and social needs and general well-being of military members and their families, providing community support systems that make Air Force bases hometowns for a mobile military population.

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